Cultural Differences
Cultural Differences

Thailand may be just a plane ride or two away, but you can say it’s a different world entirely when you refer to culture. One thing you have to understand is that your culture and traditions are not worldwide; other people have their own. Thais might find your cultures and customs as queer and strange as you find theirs.
Dating a Thai Woman
As a rule Thai women don’t casually date. In fact, until recently, a Thai woman would never date a guy unless she considered him a potential husband. You also have to remember that when you date a Thai woman, you just don’t get involved with the woman; you get involved with her entire family.
For some Thai families it is still customary for a single Thai woman never to go on a date alone. In this case there will be a chaperone, but usually this is no longer observed during the second date.
The Wai Things Are Done
You might have seen Thais bowing to each other, this act is called the ‘wai’,
which is the traditional form of greeting in Thailand. It is usually given by the person with lower social status as a sign of respect.
If a Thai offers you the wai, it is respectful to return it. Do the wai by raising both hands with palms together and fingers pointing then you bow your head until it touches your thumbs.
Dealing with Thais
Being loud is not the way Thais address each other. Being outwardly polite and respectful is the norm, even in the face of conflict or tough situations. No matter how made you are you’re not supposed to go yelling and screaming.
Visiting a Local House
When visiting the house of a Thai for the first time it may be a good idea to bring a gift.
In the west people enter the house with footwear, some Thais wear footwear indoors, some don’t. Take your cue from the host; if he or she is wearing footwear indoors then it might be okay to bring them inside, if the host isn’t then take off your footwear before entering.
If you are invited to a meal eat slowly and leave a little bit of food on your plate to show that you are full, but remember not to leave any rice as this is seen as wasteful. Want seconds? Wait to be invited before you dig in. Also you should never take the last portion of food from a serving bowl, it's considered rude.
No Touch!
Thais have a thing for the head and the feet. For most Buddhists the head is sacred and should never be touched. You shouldn’t even touch the head of statues or paintings.
On the other hand, the feet are the lowest parts of the body, so you should never touch the foot or a person, statue or painting or use your foot to point at anyone or anything. Showing someone the soles of your feet is considered very rude, so never put your feet up on a table.
Learn the Culture, Earn the Girl
Okay, earning the girl might be a bit stretching it, but the more you understand about her local customs the easily you can adapt to what you find quirky and the more suitable a candidate for a lasting relationship you become.
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