E-Mail Security

07 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

Protecting Your E-Mail

At Thai Singles we want you to meet the woman of your dreams, but we also realize that you might have to meet many people before you get to the one who is perfect for you. This is why we suggest taking all precautions regarding security. In particular we advise you to take Internet and email security measures very seriously. 

To Give or Not to Give Your Email Address 

One of the questions those dating online or seeking people to date online often ask is if it’s appropriate or advisable to exchange emails at an early stage. 

So is it a good idea to give your email to someone you met online or should you continue to correspond through a third-party website? 

Some people think giving your email address to someone you barely even know is quite acceptable since this will allow for a more intimate level of communication. 

Others, however, are more cautious and don’t immediately give out their address since they are worried about some contacts becoming online stalkers or becoming unreasonably possessive. Others are also concerned their email addresses will just be given away to other people like government offices or ad agencies. 

What’s the best thing to do in this situation? If you really have to give your email address you can set one address for social correspondence and another for business correspondence. That way you will never have to worry about getting the wrong kind of email in each email address. Plus you can easily abandon a social correspondence email address if your contact becomes a source of trouble or if that account is being targeted by other parties. 

Take Those Little Precautions 

There are other steps you can take to improve security, particularly when it comes to your email. 

Choose a Strong Password for Your Email Account – Make it at least eight characters long and include numbers as well as letters. Under no circumstance should you give your email password to anyone. 

Always Remember to Log Out - Anyone who can open your email can get access to things like website passwords, credit card information and other sensitive data. After you check your email, always log out. This is most especially important when you check your email using more than one computer. There have been many cases of people becoming victims of pranks, or worse, because they did not log out from a public terminal. 

Do Not Click on Suspicious Links – If you feel your email account has been compromised or become the target of a third party don’t click on suspicious emails or links that appear on your inbox. 

Your Email Address Will Be Safe With Us 

We at Thai Singles assure you any email address you give us will never be shared with anyone for whatever purpose. We will never give your email address to an ad agency, government agency or another dating website. You will never open your email to find it flooded with spam ads or emails from shady individuals because of our doing.

Our team in Thailand


We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Thailand including a Customer Manager, Support Staff, and VIP Concierge. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can also send us an e-mail at joy@thaisingles.co or contact us here https://thaisingles.co/contact-us




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