First Meeting

06 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

Meeting For The First Time

They say first impressions last. This is true and applies to many things like the first time you meet a pet, the first time you speak in front of your class and the first time you got interviewed for a job.   

First impressions are particularly important in the dating scene. Women are notoriously fickle and picky, and they have every right to be given what’s at stake. You only have one chance to make a good impression, because if you fail to make one during your first meeting you aren’t likely to get a second meeting. 

Before you even meet a Thai woman you should know about some of the qualities that make them one of the most respected and sought-after women in the world. 

Why You Should Go for Thai Women 

Beautiful – This one is a no-brainer. Thailand has its fair share of the most beautiful women not just in Southeast Asia but also the world. Western men in particular are drawn to their almond-shaped eyes, dark hair and beautiful skin. 

Self-Reliant – Thai women are taught from an early age the value of hard work and usually don’t stop until they can achieve a goal they have set. Even married Thai women do not ask their husbands for anything they can get for themselves. 

Thai women are also driven and ambitious, more and more of them are pursuing higher levels of education in different fields of discipline. 

Adaptable – The people of Thailand have a positive reception of foreigners owing to their rich history with other countries and constant exposure to foreign cultures and influences. A Thai woman will not be a total stranger to western mentality and practices and can easily adapt to the quirks and habits of a foreign partner. A Thai woman can also easily adapt to foreign cultures if taken out of the country. 

Multigenerational – Thailand is a country steeped in the past yet has a face that looks forward to the future. In many places around the country you can see the old co-existing with the new in many forms; ancient temples in busy urban districts, kids playing with traditional toys and tablets, market that hawk traditional medicines and the latest souvenirs. 

This makes the Thai people have an appreciation for the old and the new. Thai women in particular still hold on to conservative customs even as they know how the modern world works. 

Make that First Impression Count 

Now you know something about Thai women, now it’s their turn to get to know you. 

Thai Singles can make sure you meet with respectable Thai women, but the rest is up to you. Nothing makes a lasting impression more than your first meeting; this is why you must take care to put your best foot forward. 

We are not telling you to be somebody else or pretend to be someone else, we are telling you to present yourself in the best way you can. As they also say; you don’t have a second chance to make a first impression.

Our team in Thailand


We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Thailand including a Customer Manager, Support Staff, and VIP Concierge. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can also send us an e-mail at or contact us here



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