Marriage And Separation

06 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

What To Know

Getting married is such a big step, but people often take it for granted. This is because they are too excited or have been blinded by the fantasy that they fail consider the reality that often follows. 


The sad thing is many couples prepare for the wedding, but not marriage itself. If you plan to get married there are so many things you must discuss with your future significant other, here are just some of them: 

  • Where to Live. Do you move in with your spouse? Does your spouse move in with you? Do you plan to move somewhere else entirely? Your living location will depend on a lot of factors like where your jobs are and where your families are, your income, etc. 
  • Having Kids. This is often a question of when. Do you two want to have kids immediately or do you want to concentrate your relationship as a couple and your respective careers first? 
  • Finances. Before you got married each of you lived in the way you were accustomed to. Have you figured out how you can live together on your incomes or do you see your family having one income eventually? Also, does any of you have outstanding debts? 
  • Religion. The elephant in the room has to be considered eventually. You might think this isn’t much of an issue when you are still dating. However it will get bigger once you two live together and have children you want to influence. 
  • Family Obligations. When two people get married their families are joined. Suddenly you will have a whole lot of new aunts, uncles and cousins. Family is supposed to help each other out when they are in trouble, need money, need shelter or whatnot. You get the picture. 
  • Career Paths. It’s important to discuss with your future partner where you are now job-wise and where you want to be. Remember that your career plan goes hand-in-hand with your finances, this is why it must be discussed. Another important reason to discuss career paths is because you never know where it might take you. Your career could have you moving to another state or country, who knows? 


Not all marriages work, we know this too often. Sometimes couples see ending the marriage as the only recourse. Is this really the answer? We won’t even to pretend we know what’s best for you in your situation. However there are also things you should consider about before ending a marriage.  

  • Can Your Marriage Be Saved? Are your irreconcilable differences really irreconcilable? Can your troubles still be remedied by talking things over? Taking a little break from the daily grind? What about mediation or counseling? 
  • What About the Kids? Of course, this is applicable only when you have kids. Children growing up in broken home always seem to carry emotional scars with them. These scars can come from missing the whole family the child is used to or from teasing and bullying by other kids, etc. 

Don’t forget there is child custody to consider. You might think you’re getting the short end of the stick, just imagine how difficult that will be for the child. 

Can You Divide Your Property Without a Costly Legal Battle? 

If you didn’t sign a pre-nuptial agreement chances are it will become messy as you two squabble over who gets what.

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