Computer Safety

07 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

How To Secure Your Computer

Dating online can open your computer to a host of security concerns. If your computer becomes compromised getting set up with the wrong person should become the least of your worries. Forget the ugly date; it’s the scammer, the spammers, the cyberstalkers and the people who want your financial details you should be worried about. 

This is why you should take every precaution to make sure your PC is protected. 

How to Secure your Computer 

Use Only Reputable Dating Websites – Before you sign up for any website make sure it is legit. One of the things you should check is the privacy policy. If they don’t have one, best move on to another website. If they have one, be sure to read it very carefully. 

Another thing you have to check is who is publishing the website. Find out what other websites that publisher is running and visit them just to be sure. If the other websites check out as legit then you are probably looking at a reputable online dating website. 

Be Careful With the Information You Share – Don’t share any sensitive information like credit card information or which bank you save your money in with others. You should also be concerned about the personal information you share with others and this includes your history. In fact, before you share any information on a dating website think about what you are posting and who you are sharing it with. You should also think about how this will positively or negatively impact on your reputation online. 

Block and Report Suspicious People - Use the tools in your email to block unwanted contacts. Unwanted contacts can be anything from spammers, advertisers to online stalkers. Your online dating website might also have some security features; try using them to your advantage. 

Use Anti-Virus and Firewalls You never know when your computer will become compromised because of the sites you visit. That’s why it’s always advisable to have an anti-virus program and your firewalls activated. There are now a lot of free and affordable versions of anti-virus programs to be found online. 

Update your OS - Regularly updating your operating system can also help your computer keep out those unwanted programs. Each version of an OS contains codes designed to keep malware out, and enterprising malware designers are always on the lookout for loopholes they can exploit to allow their programs to enter your PC.   

Make Sure Your Wireless Network is Secure - If your computer is connected to the Internet by a wireless network you should be sure that network is well protected. An unprotected wireless network will make it easy for others to have remote access to your computer and all the data in it. 

Thai Singles is as Legit as it Gets 

Are you still having doubts about our reputation? We can’t really fault you for taking precautions. In fact, we will laud your due diligence. By all means check out our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. That should be enough to erase all doubts.

Our team in Thailand


We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Thailand including a Customer Manager, Support Staff, and VIP Concierge. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can also send us an e-mail at or contact us here






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