Getting Started

06 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

Getting Started With Online Dating

Many people think of online dating as a crutch they don’t need. They have confidence in their abilities to meet other people on their own. Good for them. However, online dating should not be thought of as a crutch or even a shortcut, it’s just the use of technology to get in touch with people and improve your chances of finding someone you can actually get along with. 

The use of technology is also just one aspect of the dating. Pretty much whatever happens after you to meet still falls under traditional dating. 

Why Online Dating? 

Is online dating better than traditional dating? We really can’t say that. However we can point out several advantages online has over traditional dating. 

Access to More People – One of the immediately noticeable benefits of online dating is that it grants you access to a lot of people. Aside from that there are also a lot of specialized online dating websites for people with specific criteria and similar interests. For example there are sites for people who are into outdoor activities, people who are into a certain religious denominations, people who are passionate about their pets, and so on. 

Online Profiles Provides More InformationWith traditional dating how much can you really find out about a person before you two talk? Can you really rely on what you hear from your friends? With online dating you already know this much about a person, her likes or dislikes, her hobbies and other things that interest her. 

There is no more guessing the things she will be interested in because it will all be in her profile. Okay, not all information will be there, some things are best discovered as you date and talk, but there will enough information in the profile to give you a general idea about the person. 

Members Guaranteed Single – With online dating sites there can be no doubt about the status of the people on it; single, not married and available. So you should no longer worry about splitting up a marriage or getting in the way of a relationship when you go out on a date with someone. 

It Can be Good for Shy People – If you happen to be one of those people who are anxious about meeting others then online dating is probably for you. With online dating you don’t have to go out of your way to find and contact someone. As long as you have signed up with an online dating website it can just be a matter of emailing someone who fits the profile of a person you are interested in. 

Dating is Not a Guarantee Everything Will Work Out 

Let’s be real here, it’s not the medieval times anymore. Dating is not a guarantee you two will get married, have kids and live happily ever after. Rather, think of the dating as the process you have to go through to determine if someone is worth getting into a lasting relationship with. 

Thai Singles can Help You Date Online 

At Thai Singles we can help set you up to meet classy, respectable women. Who knows? Maybe one of them might even become your partner for life.

Our team in Thailand


We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Thailand including a Customer Manager, Support Staff, and VIP Concierge. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can also send us an e-mail at or contact us here






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