Local Meeting

06 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

Meeting Locally

Have you and your Thai lady friend have finally decided to meet face to face? How should you go about it? What are the things you should know regarding how to act around or treat a Thai woman? 

First up, remember the following: 

  • Many Thai women traditionally go to nightspots for a good time. It’s not in their culture to go there for the sole purpose of meeting men; that idea is a recent one brought about by western influences. 
  • Thai women are very polite and nice, even when they aren’t interested in you. So you might have a hard time telling that they want you to leave them alone. 
  • The Thai women of today are more educated and driven than ever and many of them who have just finished college are likely to be more interested in getting a high-paying job or pursuing further education than dating. 

Tips for Meeting Thai Women 

Now that you know the basics, here are some tips to help you around Thai women. 

Hygiene is a Must – Asian women are particularly fussy about hygiene. So if you come to her smelling like you haven’t bathed or brushed your teeth since you arrived in Thailand you’ve probably blown any chance you might have had with her. 

It’s also worth mentioning that Thai women don’t generally go for facial hair; even stubbles might turn them off. So it’s better if you shave off all facial hair completely. 

Dress Your Best – Your personal hygiene is one thing but the clothes you wear also tells volumes about you. It won’t hurt to dress up for the part. There’s really no need to look like a male supermodel or blend in to look like one of the locals, just be sure you look decent enough to be able to take her to the fancier places. 

Smile – Thailand prides itself in having lots of fun things to do and it also wants visiting foreigners to have a good time. So appearing glum, dark and brooding is a big no-no. Plus it just makes you seem unapproachable. 

Be Confident – All women, not just Thai women, are turned off by a man who lacks assertiveness and confidence and one who always looks to her to make the decision. As you go about your date you should always already know where want to take her, have an idea what to order, etc. Needless to say’ it’s important to do the necessary research. 

Hide Those Tattoos – In the Thai mindset, tattoos are still the brands of convicts and criminal gangs. The newer generation Thais might be more accepting of tattoos but remember that Thai culture is still generally conservative. You might be proud of your ink, but it’s best to show her first that you’re a decent person before you show her the tats. 

Don’t Generalize Thai Women 

Not all women are the same, there are always those who don’t fit the mold or follow the crowd. We are not saying that if you follow the tips above you will automatically earn the acceptance of a Thai woman. However, they will increase your chances she’ll find you a farang worthy of pursuing a relationship with after all.

Our team in Thailand


We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Thailand including a Customer Manager, Support Staff, and VIP Concierge. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can also send us an e-mail at joy@thaisingles.co or contact us here https://thaisingles.co/contact-us




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