Scam And Spam

07 Feb, 2021 Joy Jirawati

What To Look For

Scamming and spamming on the Internet is almost as old as the Internet itself. Unscrupulous people can’t help but take advantage of the Internet for the following reasons: 

There Are So Many Potential Victims – The con artists of old had to wait in bars for potential victims, sometimes they had to walk to door to sell them items or to tell them about the latest investments. At other times they had to make dozens of telephone calls before they could land a mark. Now they no longer have to do any of those. To get victims they only have to get online. Anyone with an email address and a bank account is fair game. 

There is No Easy Way to Verify their Stories – Swindlers with a glib tongue can easily make up any situation and make it believable; how their mother is suffering from cancer, how he or she is working two jobs to support his or her huge family, how oppressive her parents are and she needs you to take her away from it all. The best part (for them) is that there is no way you can verify for themselves how true these stories are.    

There is some good news though, you can now access news in other parts of the world to keep abreast of what is really happening. Other than that you can also hire private investigators overseas to check on what’s really going on. 

They Break No Laws – This was true for a while. However, it did take the law some time to catch up. How was scamming someone in the US a crime in Malaysia? How was taking someone’s bank account numbers in the UK a crime in Russia? The Internet was one big gray area for a long time because crimes involved victims and perpetrators in different continents and under different governments with their own judicial systems. If there was crime committed who take jurisdiction? What penalties would be applied? 

It was only in 2001, with the first international Convention on Cybercrime, when the then Council of Europe, the USA, Canada and Japan decided to lay down the foundation for a legal framework in fighting cybercrime. 

After that it was also only much recently when the Federal Bureau of Investigation formed its own unit to combat and solve crimes committed via the Internet. 

It’s So Easy to Disappear After the Con – This is the Internet we’re talking about. It’s not as if you can reach into the monitor to grab your offender and drag him out to face justice. Your offender can be hundreds of miles away, perhaps even in another country, on even on another continent halfway around the world!

Our team in Thailand


We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Thailand including a Customer Manager, Support Staff, and VIP Concierge. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can also send us an e-mail at or contact us here




It’s also hard to trace where the crime committed. You might have an IP address, but what about the actual perpetrator’s location? Are you even sure he or she was the person using the IP address at the time?


With so many people out there trying to get something from you and the many ways they can do it, it pays to secure yourself and take all the necessary online precautions all the time.

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